2004 Bicentennial Reunion Memorabilia


Below is a list of the memorabilia that is still available following the Bicentennial Reunion on July 3, 2004.

Please note, most items are in limited supply. All prices mentioned on this page are in Canadian Dollars and do not include shipping unless indicated otherwise.

For information on how to order the memorabilia listed below, please click here.

You can click on the word (picture) beside the names of the items below to see pictures of them. Use your browser's back button to return to this page.

Bicentennial Reunion Video (cover picture)

This 100 minute video, with title "Celebrating The Ties That Bind", covers the entire 3 days of the Bicentennial Celebration including the Friday Homecoming, the Saturday Wagon Trek, the program at the Markham Fairgrounds and the Settler's Service on the banks of the Little Rouge River. The entire video is set to the music from the "Friday Homecoming" and provides a unique ambience that brings back memories of this special Reesor Reunion. Available in DVD or VHS format.

Price: $25 each (or $30 each including shipping)


Bicentennial Commemorative Coin (picture)

This commemorative coin for the Reesor Family in Canada's Bicentennial incorporates the traditional Reesor Conestoga Wagon Logo into the design. The logo is a symbolic representation of the trek from Pennsylvania to Upper Canada that has been used by the Reesor Family since 1950. The reverse side of the coin has an inscription which captures the essence of this event. This finely detailed commemorative coin is approximately 1.75 inches in diameter with a pewter finish made from zinc for durability.

Price: $2 each - wrapped in a zip lock pack


Bicentennial Posters (poster 1) (poster 2)

There are two Bicentennial Posters available. Both of them have been created by one of our talented Reesor cousins. Two sizes are available in each design (18" x 24 " or 12" x 16")

Price: $10.00 each


Other Memorabilia

Bicentennial Thimble (picture) $7.00
Bicentennial Bell (picture) $10.00
Bicentennial Plate (picture) $10.00
Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical Book 1928 ( repro) (picture) $10.00
Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical Book 1950 edition (picture) $25.00
Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical Book 2000 edition $45.00
Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical CD Revised 2004 $15.00


Click here for information on ordering any of these items.


Copyright © 2010 The Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical and Historical Society Incorporated
Markham, Ontario,     e-mail: < cousin@reesorfamily.on.ca>