The Reesor Family Reunion - June 24, 2000
The Reesor Reunion Committee’s plans are well under way for this year’s Reunion. Registration will begin at 10:30 am on Saturday. Here are some highlights:
Reunion Announcement. A Reunion Announcement Letter was mailed to families currently on our mailing list in April of 2000. To assist Reunion organizers, the announcement included a pre-registration and lunch order form which we invited recipients to complete and return to us. If you did not receive this mailing, you may view the Reunion Announcement Letter from this web site. To be added to our mailing list for future events, refer to the Mailing List discussion.
Speaker. There will be a formal program beginning at 1:30 pm with a guest speaker, Colin E. Reesor, P. Ag.. Colin is a farmer who also works with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture as a commodity marketing specialist, providing educational services to the agricultural community. During his 30+ years with the Ministry, he has accumulated extensive experience in public speaking, particularly with rural audiences. Son of the late Austin Reesor and Olive Harrington, he was born and raised at Cedar Grove, on Reesor Road in Markham Township. Colin resides on a farm near Walkerton, Ontario with his wife Dianne, an emergency room nurse. Their two daughters, Rebecca and Maureen, are pursuing careers in education.
Branch Markers. The Reunion Committee will be setting up visiting areas with Branch Markers for each of the six branches of the Reesor Family:
Lunch & Refreshments. Tea, coffee, and soft drinks will be available for purchase throughout the day at a nominal charge. There will also be free orange drink available. For those interested in purchasing lunch at the Reunion, the Reunion Committee has made arrangements with John Leadbetter, a local caterer, to prepare a meal at the Fair Grounds on the day of the Reunion. The menu will consist of an offering of BBQ beef on a bun, a selection of salads and a dessert, in a buffet setting. Beverages (soft drinks, tea and coffee) will also be included. The charge for this meal will be $10. per person. A children’s lunch consisting of 2 hot dogs, chips, dessert and soft drinks will be available for $5. per child. Those planning to purchase lunches are encouraged to pre-order and pay for them with their pre-registration. The catered lunch will be served at noon.
As with past reunions, families are welcome to bring their own lunch.
Children's Activities. Activities for children are planned including face painting, games, play tables, and horse drawn wagon rides. There will also be babysitting available during the program for toddlers under 3 years old.
Family Artifacts. If you have any Reesor family artifacts, that you think others would find interesting, we encourage you to bring them to the Reunion. There will be display cases available to display them. Please include a tag, clearly identifying the owners name and phone number and the date of the item if known. Items can include jewelry, old photographs, toys, tools, etc. If you have any old photographs containing persons or objects that are not known, there will be an area set aside where they can be displayed for others to view and possibly identify.
Souvenirs. There will be a Reesor Family Store on site at the Reunion. A variety of
reunion souvenirs will be available for purchase including plates, coffee mugs, commemorative china bells, 18-month calendars, cotton bags, and walking sticks. A video on the Reesor Family has been produced and will also be on sale. Payment may be made with VISA, MasterCard, debit card, cheque or cash. For more information and prices of the souvenirs, click here.The Reesor Book, 2000 edition. The Genealogy Committee is on schedule for its publication of the new Reesor Book in time for the Reunion on June 24, 2000. The book will be available in both hard cover and CD ROM formats. Look for it at the Reesor Family Store on site at the Reunion. Prices are $45 for the book and $15 for the CD.
Silent Auction. Eight to ten pieces of artwork created by Reesor cousins will be on display for a silent auction. They include paintings, sketches, folk art, wood carving and one-of-a-kind items. Proceeds from the auction will go towards projects undertaken by the Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical and Historical Society, such as the new 2000 Reesor book and the restoration work at the Reesor Pioneer Cemetery.
Reunion Location. The Reunion is being held at the Markham Fair Grounds, 10801 McCowan Road, which is located north of Highway #7 at the corner of McCowan Road and Elgin Mills Road East in Markham. To view a map of York Region and surrounding communities showing the location of the Markham Fair Grounds, click here.
Accommodations. For the convenience of our cousins travelling to the Reunion from a distance, the Reunion committee has compiled a list of
hotels. Facilities in private homes and campgrounds are contemplated. There will be a limited number of RV campsites, with electrical and water hookups, available at the Fair Grounds for $12/day. If you have particular needs or preferences for overnight accommodation, or want to reserve a campsite at the Fair Grounds, Contact Us referencing the Subject as "Accommodations".Reesor Pioneer Cemetery. Local members of The Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical and Historical Society have been hard at work over the past two years restoring and preserving our heritage at the Reesor Pioneer Cemetery on Reesor Road (formerly 10th Line) in Markham. Significant improvements have already been completed in the form of commemorative stone gateposts and handsome iron gates, which mark the Reesor Road entrance to the cemetery. As well, a laneway has been created so that visitors can drive their cars directly to the burial ground. View
photos of Cemetery Stonework and Surroundings.A Dedication Ceremony is being planned for the week-end of the Reunion, and will take place at 2:30 pm on Sunday, June 25, 2000. We invite all who attend the Reunion to visit this important family heritage site during their stay in Markham. Further details and directions to the site will be available at the Reunion.
Mailing List for Reesor Family Announcements. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please Contact Us , identifying the subject of your e-mail as "Mailing List". Include your full name and mailing address in your message as well as identification of your branch of the Reesor family - either by reference to your ancestral roots or to page number where you (or they) appear in the 1980 Reesor Book.
Reesor Family Reunion home page
Copyright © 2000 The Reesor Family in Canada Genealogical
and Historical Society Incorporated
Markham, Ontario, e-mail: <>